Thursday, 6 August 2009

Good news day

Picture the scene... It's a rainy Monday and I'm sitting in a cafe having a coffee and danish and surfing the net. I browse through my favourite news site (BBC) and through some of the better newspaper sites. A slow news day, it seems.

I'm getting bored, so I thought I'd visit one or two sites that I frequent, but not everyday, nor even every week. I type in and have look around, but apart from a few gig updates there seems to be no news. I noticed that they'd been on the radio, however, Preston FM to be precise and so I thought that because work had prevented me from making the Preston gig, I'd have a listen to their interview.

Having found the Preston FM website and then found the podcasts I scrolled down until I found the one for ICE. 
What a treat! A bit of chat from Janie (doesn't she sound posh) a few mumbles from Paul, but loads of songs. 5 in total, virtually a gig, if you went to a short one.

Very unlike me, I forgot to write down the set, so I can't tell you what they played, but it was very enjoyable albeit a little different and quieter as they went all acoustic.

So, I'd better got to the point of this blog.....
Halfway through the interview Janie let slip a piece of major news. The ICE band are releasing a single. I don't know the date yet, although she said it would be around October time and it's called "Look Into My Eyes" It's a hell of a song, I don't know if the single is similar to the acoustic version on the radio, or if it will be a bigger affair, but either way it's a great sounding song and I can't wait to buy it.

I'll post more news when I can

Meanwhile, don't forget to have a look at